How Can I Remove Strong Smells From My Clothing?

How Can I Remove Strong Smells From My Clothing?

Have you ever thrown on the first shirt you could find and rushed out of the house? Then, you find out while you are standing in a queue somewhere that it seems to have a funny smell? There is nothing that will make you feel more self-conscious than wondering if “that smell” is coming from you, and whether others can smell it too. 

So, what should we be doing to remove strong smells from our clothing?

There are a variety of unattractive odours that can linger stubbornly in our clothing, and each one will need to be treated differently to remove it. Keep reading to find out how you can eliminate these smells for both your physical health and your peace of mind.

Common Odours and How to Remove Them at Home

Having a bad smell in your clothing and linen, even after you have washed them is hugely frustrating. It is easy to rely on our washing machines to clean, but sometimes we ask too much of them! To tackle the tricky offender, we may need a little extra help from our trusty home appliance.

So, what is at the top of the bad smells list, and what are the most effective suggestions for their removal?

No Sweat

No matter if you have had a great session at the gym, or a particularly stressful day at the office, sweat can linger on in your clothes. The fabric that you wear can often make the smell worse – studies have shown that clothing with natural fibres holds onto less odour. 

Unpack It

The first step is to never leave your clothes scrunched up in your gym bag. This allows the bacteria that causes sweat to smell to have a field day. Unpack, shake out, and air until you’re ready to wash it, or pop them straight into the washing machine. 


If you are finding that a simple spin through the machine does not remove the smell, pre-soaking is your next step. You can use a 1:4 dilution of vinegar and water for about half an hour, or a half cup of baking soda. If you are not keen to DIY your odour solutions, then shop around for a good antibacterial spray for laundry. Many of these can be added to your normal wash cycle as well to effectively banish bacteria.

Foot Odour

Smelly feet are not caused by foot sweat. The smell on your feet is caused by bacteria breaking down the sweat and dead cells of your feet. It can also be triggered by a foot fungus, so make sure your foot hygiene is a top priority. If you still can’t shake the smell, chat to your doctor about some treatment options.

remove strong smells - socks and underwear

Treat the Feet

Washing and drying your feet properly, wearing moisture-wicking socks, and alternating your shoes are three of the most effective ways to practice good foot hygiene. There are also several brands of antifungal and antiperspirant sprays that remove strong smells from your feet. 

Treat the Socks

Treating your socks is another way to remove unpleasant foot smells. Sometimes the smell from your feet can hang around in your socks even after you have washed them. If so, then treatment with vinegar for a 30-minute soak should rectify this problem. A hot wash is a must!


Vomit is possibly one of the most offensive smells and stains that we must deal with. Because it is a protein stain, make sure that any solids have been scraped off and disposed of. Rinse the fabric under cold water to remove any residue and wash it in a high-temperature setting. 

If the clothing allows it, machine dry after you have washed it. If the bad odour lingers you can apply a paste made of baking soda and water. Leave to dry for half an hour and then wash the item a second time. 

Washing Exercise Pants

The synthetic fabric of yoga pants and running tights means that they hold smells and bacteria for a long time. Therefore, not to put too fine a point on it, but you may find that the crotch of your pants is starting to smell a bit funky. 

Adding a second round of laundry detergent isn’t going to solve this one. More detergent means more residue, and residue traps the smells. Rather try adding half a cup of white vinegar to your rinse cycle or the same quantity of baking soda to the wash cycle and see if this doesn’t help remove the strong smells.

Ammonia in Cloth Nappies

Many families are opting to take the cloth diaper route. It is cheaper in the long run and certainly better for our fragile environment, but it means a lot more extra washing for you. Over time you may notice that an ammonia smell starts to develop in your diapers. 

Ammonia is the chemical result of the breakdown of urea. This needs to be dealt with quickly, as ammonia can cause severe diaper rash, similar to a mild chemical burn. You don’t want to risk that with your little one.

Cleaning baby nappies

Stripping Nappies

Diaper companies recommend that you strip the diapers to get rid of the ammonia smell. This means that you are removing any residue that could trap bad odours and reduce absorbency. 

  • Place in your machine and add your chosen laundry additive, not detergent
  • Rinse repeatedly until they are no longer “sudsing” as you want all traces of the additive eliminated
  • This can be done in the bath if you prefer

Always sanitise cloth nappies and make use of a hot wash cycle.

Growing Mildew

Mildew grows best in warm damp environments – like your washing machine. It is best not to ignore it as it can worsen certain medical conditions such as asthma, respiratory conditions, or immune disorders if you are particularly sensitive. 

If you leave your washing in the machine for too long, mildew can start to grow. It has a sour, musty smell and can be very tricky to remove. Wash the affected laundry with either vinegar or baking soda and rinse for an extra cycle. Drying clothes outside in direct sunlight will help remove any residual mildew smell as sunshine is a brilliant disinfectant.


Perfume smells lingering in the fabric can aggravate medical conditions such as eczema, asthma, or migraines. Sometimes it is the test counter in your favourite store. Sometimes it is your laundry detergent that is the culprit for these smells. Look around for a scent-free detergent, add some of your laundry agent or washing soda, and line-dry properly. This should help to remove that strong smell.


Gasolene can be spilt on your clothing while you are manually filling a tank, or servicing cars or bikes. It is a very strong smell and needs to be handled carefully. Again, our trusty vinegar solution will assist, and as soon as you start soaking the offending article of clothing, the vinegar starts to break down the petrol.

Did you know that it is dangerous to wash petrol soaked clothing in your machine? Make sure you spot clean the affected areas and then dry them for at least 24 hours before you throw them into the washing machine. 

Check Your Appliance

When you’ve tried all the above tricks and you’re still experiencing offensive odours on your clothing, your machine may require some attention. In your front loader, wipe out the rubber components with vinegar, and then run the hottest cycle you are able. Then add some baking soda and run the machine again. 

In a top loader, add four cups of vinegar, pause the cycle midway and let it soak for half an hour then continue. This should re

move strong smells that are lingering within the machine itself.

Maybe it is time to look at investing in a new washing machine. Something new to consider is the Samsung 12kg Front Loader with Eco Bubble technology. By turning detergent into bubbles, it penetrates quickly and easily into the fabric, removing dirt without harming the colour or texture. In addition to being energy-efficient, it also conserves water.

Samsung 12Kg Front Loader

Samsung 12Kg Front Loader

Remove Strong Smells

Having bad odours in your washing is not ideal, especially after repeatedly washing them! It may be time to upgrade your old and trusty washing machine for the latest model. That way you can remove strong smells easily and quickly and you won’t have to feel self-conscious again, because you know that smell isn’t you!

If you would like more information on eliminating laundry odours or new washing machines, visit your nearest outlet and chat with our friendly team. 

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