Our Family Chocolate Mousse Meringue

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Family and friends are very important to me and so is our family chocolate Mousse Meringue recipe. When we are all together we need a large, decadent dessert, which is easy on the eye, simple to make, yet tastes delicious. This recipe is our favourite.
Serves 12 – 16

Ingredients : Chocolate Mousse Meringue


  • 6 extra-large egg whites
  • 240 g granulated sugar (310 ml)
  • 5 ml vanilla essence or vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out
  • 5 ml vinegar
  • 5 ml water
  • 2 ml baking powder


  • 180 g milk chocolate
  • 250 ml whipping cream


  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • 2 Flaky chocolate bars or home-made chocolate curls

Method : Chocolate Mousse Meringue

  1. Preheat oven 110ºC/100ºC fan/Gas mark 1/4.
  2. Prepare two baking trays approximately 33 cm x 23 cm with baking paper, extend the edges by approximately   2.5  cm all around; do not grease.
  3. Make Meringue: Whisk egg whites using a large electric food mixer, until stiff but not dry.
  4. Fold in sugar gradually in stages. When stiff and glossy, add in vanilla, vinegar, water and baking powder.
  5. Divide meringue into two. Spread half onto each baking tray, making the mixture even in thickness and spreading into the edges of the tray.
  6. Bake for  1 hour until firm and golden on top.
  7. Make filling: Melt chocolate in microwave oven on  70%  power for 3 – 4 minutes, stirring each minute.
  8. Cool slightly. Meanwhile, whip 500ml cream, divide in half, and fold in cooled melted chocolate to half of the cream.
  9. Invert one layer of meringue onto a serving platter. Remove baking paper.
  10. Spread with chocolate cream.
  11. Invert second layer of meringue on top of chocolate cream.
  12. Topping: Cover with plain whipped cream, and sprinkle crushed flaky chocolate or chocolate curls.
  13. Refrigerate before serving

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