Some people just buy really inexpensive clothes, wear them a few times and then put them in the recycling bin but most people spend time and energy choosing their clothing – it has to fit just right , make you look good, and you in turn want it to look good over and over again – but then you just chuck it in the washing machine on any old programme (usually the one that was used last), throw in a random amount of detergent and you are horrified when it comes out a completely different colour, shape and size.
This article is for anyone who wants to preserve their good clothing and ensure that they will be wearing it for years to come – even ’til it comes back into fashion.

The first thing is to have a laundry basket in each room and to gather the clothing up and separate into different colours – usually dark and light – then to separate further into different textures e.g. jeans will not be on the same programme as that expensive silk shirt! Jerseys will obviously need a much more delicate programme than your husbands overalls.

OMG I can hear you saying – I wasn’t aware laundry was a science – well today it is – we have machines that measure the correct amount of water for the wash, suggest the temperature and even take the correct amount of detergent out of the container – that’s how advanced washing is today.
It’s tempting to default to treating everything in your laundry basket the same, but those few minutes that you save could be causing major wear and tear, as well as damage, to your garments. If you want your beloved sweaters and favorite t-shirts to have a longer lifespan, it’s time to break some of those bad laundry habits and start treating laundry like the science that it is.
Like anything else – when all else fails read the instructions or read them first and do it right!! Read the manual for your washing machine and decide which programme you will use for sheets, towels, summer clothes, winter clothing, undies etc.

Then read the instructions on the clothes when you buy them – is the item machine washable, can it be tumble dried etc. If it says dry clean only definitely don’t wash it – I usually don’t buy anything that has to be dry cleaned as I don’t want the extra expense of the dry cleaner every time I wear it – but today you can get the Samsung Air dresser and do your own private dry cleaning.
Here are some laundry habits that could be ruining your clothes—and what to do instead.
Its really important to pre treat stains – we have a wonderful product called “Pink Stuff” and I speak from experience that this takes the stains out of everything you can think of including shoes, lounge suites, car seats and all clothing. Just spray pink stuff onto any stain – rub gently and then put in the wash and the items will definitely come out stain free.
The biggest complaint I get about washing machines is – there is water all over the floor – on investigation its not water but suds – the person has used a high foaming hand washing powder in the automatic machine – this causes suds to billow out all over and make a real mess and often ruin the machine as the suds get into the works.
At Hirsch’s we have a super biodegradable powder which is far cheaper than the sort you usually buy at the supermarket and one bucket actually lasts me for more than six months as you only use a tablespoon full per load – its amazing.
Most machines have the temperature pre set per cycle but in nearly all the newer ones you can change the temperature – now you cant comfortably put your hands in water that is 30 Degrees Celcius so I tend not to wash anything in water hotter than 40 Degrees Celcius – I know they say cottons must be washed at a higher temp but I am not rolling round a rugby field or fixing cars in the back yard so my clothes are not really that dirty – 40 Degrees Celcius is hot enough.

Its always best to button shirts before washing as this inhibits the buttons from banging and clanging on the inner drum and they don’t damage other washing either. The tension of the washing machine could pull on the buttons leading to tears in the fabric.
Using the correct amount of detergent is important – if you use too much its just a waste, it tends to fade the colours and the clothes will not be rinsed properly but if you underdose – apart from the clothes not getting clean, the dirt tends to build up between the inner and outer drums and comes back in a later wash and puts ugly stains on those nice white jeans of yours. Look at the programme you are running and see what is suggested in the instructions.
We all want to get laundry done as quickly as possible, but trying to rush through the process could lead to potentially damaging your clothing -cramming too many clothes into one load prevents proper agitation, meaning dirt and detergent can’t be evenly distributed or rinsed out. Not only does this not properly clean your laundry but it can also stress fabrics leading to wear and tear.
With front loaders you should fill ’til just over half way up the door and with top loaders be sure to leave enough space for the clothes to rotate easily.
There’s a longstanding thought that hot water gets everything as clean as possible—but that’s not really true. Hot water can actually damage clothing that has a delicate weave, whether that’s a silk, cotton, or synthetic. Most modern washing machines should be able to get your clothes clean with a proper detergent and a cold cycle.
Who hasn’t thrown a load of clothes in the washing machine, only to forget they’re in there until a day or two (or a week!) later? It happens, but it should never become a habit. Leaving wet clothes in the washing machine for too long can lead to mould and mildew, which could permanently stain your clothes—and lead to terrible smells.
If you’re someone who has never questioned whether everything should go straight from the washing machine to the dryer, then this one might come as a shock. Some items should not go into the drier, including cotton items that have not been preshrunk. Heat can damage and weaken the fabric, causing clothing to look worn faster. To be on the safe side, anything that you would consider delicate or that you do not want to look tired over time should be hung to dry. Tumble dryers are fantastic for sheets, towels, socks etc. But that cashmere sweater and silk shirt will need to be laid flat or hung to dry.
In future take a little extra time to read the instructions of the machine and the tags on the clothing,. Dose correctly, pre treat stains, use the correct programme and you will save a fortune and look good too!!
January 16, 2025 at 8:48 amReally informative, thank you. Wonderful pictures too, really helped bring the blog together.