Service your Washing Machine at Home

service, home, washing machine

The time is now! Lockdown is upon us all. Spending time cooped up in your home does not have to go to waste. Use this time to learn more about your home appliances. You can start to service your home heroes by yourself.

Time is on your side, start by servicing and giving your washing machine a complete clean. This will help you to understand more about your washing machine, as well as helping to prolong the lifespan.

Hirsch’s national head of service, Lallie Maharaj, has shared some golden nuggets on the care you can give your washing machine at home. He will help you to understand your washing machine’s likes and dislikes.

“A washer has to be washed! How ironic is that? To prevent foul smells and mildew and mold from developing, regular maintenance is essential. Here are some things you can do to keep it in good shape for years to come,” explained Maharaj.

  • The outside of your washing machine must be wiped down regularly, preferably with a mild detergent.
  • Check the user’s manual on how to remove your Soap Dish, remove and wash carefully regularly.
  • Newer washing machines use less water, using the correct detergent and amount is vital. Never add more or less, always follow the manufacturer’s directions.
  • Make sure you dilute the correct quantities of stay soft to prevent the clogging of pipes.
  • Run a hot wash every month or two with an empty drum, add tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda into the soap dispenser and two cups of vinegar into the washer, this will help to clean.
  • Inspect hoses at the rear of the washing machine, as well as clean the back of the washer and clean filters on a regular basis.
  • Never overload your washer.
  • To wipe down door rubber, use equal parts of vinegar and water.
  • Ensure that you leave the washer door slightly ajar after every wash, to avoid build-up of moisture.

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