Ask Hirsch’s: Dishwasher Questions Answered

Ask Hirsch's: Dishwasher Questions Answered

Do you consider your dishwasher a luxury or an essential kitchen appliance? Either way, if you’re one of the South African households doing a small celebratory dance each time you press the go button on your trusty dishwasher, you’ll appreciate its value. 

It makes sense, then, to choose your dishwasher wisely and maintain it carefully to get the very best out of it. 

So, let’s explore some of the FAQs around this indispensable appliance and simplify your maintenance processes. And when it’s time to choose a Hirsch’s dishwasher, you know exactly what you need. (For those pondering “How do I choose a dishwasher?” we have a dedicated guide just for you.) 

What’s the Best Dishwasher on the Market?

Selecting the best dishwasher involves balancing features, efficiency, and budget. While the “best” can vary based on individual needs, Hirsch’s dishwasher range includes top-rated models known for their reliability, eco-friendly operations, and innovative technology. Consider your household size, usage patterns, and desired features like drying capabilities and noise levels to find your perfect match. Oh, and don’t forget to look at the labels to find the most energy-efficient appliances

How Long Should a Dishwasher Last?

On average, a dishwasher should serve your kitchen needs for about ten years. This lifespan can be extended with proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning and timely repairs. Investing in a quality model from a reputable brand can also contribute to a longer service life.

How Do You Know Your Dishwasher is Dying?

Several signs can indicate your dishwasher’s lifespan is nearing its end, including:

  • Inconsistent Cleaning Results: If your dishes are consistently coming out dirty, it might be a sign of declining performance.
  • Water Leaks: Frequent leaks can suggest a problem with the seals or other components.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual or loud noises may indicate a failing motor or other mechanical issues.

Is It Worth It to Fix a Dishwasher?

Determining whether to repair or replace your dishwasher depends on the age of your appliance, the cost of repairs, and the potential for future issues. Generally, if the repair costs less than half the price of a new dishwasher and your unit is relatively young, fixing it might be the economical choice.

What Are the Most Common Faults with Dishwashers? 

Common dishwasher faults include:

  • Water Not Draining: Often caused by blockages in the filter or drain hose.
  • Dishes Not Cleaning Properly: This could be due to clogged spray arms, low water temperature, or detergent issues.
  • Leaks: Worn door seals or a malfunctioning pump can lead to water leaks.

Can Dishwasher Filters Be Cleaned or Replaced?

Absolutely! Cleaning your dishwasher’s filter regularly is essential for maintaining its performance and longevity. Most filters can be easily removed, rinsed under running water, and replaced. If the filter is damaged, purchasing a replacement part from Hirsch’s can ensure your dishwasher continues to operate efficiently.

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

For optimal performance, aim to clean your dishwasher thoroughly once a month. This includes wiping down the door, cleaning the filter, and running a cleaning cycle with a dishwasher cleaner or a cup of vinegar to remove any grease and limescale buildup.

What Detergent Is Best for Dishwashers?

Choosing a high-quality dishwasher detergent is crucial for achieving sparkling clean dishes. Tablets and pods typically offer a convenient and effective solution, as they contain the right balance of detergent and rinse aid. However, the water hardness in your area might also influence your choice of detergent. 

One source puts the Finish Powerball tablets right at the top of the list, but you should choose what works best for you.

How Can I Make My Dishwasher More Efficient?

To enhance your dishwasher’s efficiency:

  • Load it Correctly: Ensure dishes are placed so that water can circulate freely. Make sure that there are no rogue items interfering with the movement of the rotating arms. 
  • Use Eco-Friendly Cycles: These cycles are designed to conserve water and energy.
  • Maintain Regularly: Clean the filter and inspect the spray arms regularly to avoid blockages.

Should You Pre-Rinse Dishes Before Loading?

Contrary to popular belief, pre-rinsing dishes isn’t necessary and can actually waste water. Modern dishwashers and detergents are designed to handle food residue. Scraping off large food particles before loading should suffice, but it’s not necessary to wash the plates twice.

Hirsch’s Dishwasher Diaries; Done!

In wrapping up our dishwasher FAQ, we hope you’ve found the answers you need to make your kitchen routine as smooth and efficient as possible. Remember, a well-chosen and properly maintained dishwasher can be a game-changer for your daily chores. 

For those looking to upgrade or replace their kitchen companion, Hirsch’s dishwasher selection offers a range of models to suit any home’s needs and preferences