Wood or Gas Braai? Does it Matter?

Wood or Gas Braai? Does it Matter?

Summer in South Africa would simply not be complete without the tantalizing aroma of the weekend braai.  It’s primal, it’s delicious, and it makes us happy. But, have you wondered whether a wood or gas braai is the better…

Reasons to Buy: Double-Door Fridges

Reasons to Buy: Double-Door Fridges

In much the same way as you’ve upgraded your car and home as your family grows, there comes a time when you suddenly appreciate the value of larger kitchen appliances. And oh, how you covet the sleek lines and…


Halloween Sugar Cookies

A Halloween party without cookies is a horror show. Make these spooky and delicious Halloween Sugar Cookies to serve trick or treaters or the family. This recipe uses a basic and easy sugar cookie recipe and icing. Get creative…


Coffee Hazelnut Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Coffee Hazelnut Ice Cream! Summer and the holidays are soon approaching and what better way to cool off than our collective fave… Ice-cream? This crave-worthy recipe combines two of the things we…


Hirsch’s Takes Korea With Samsung

The Hirsch’s team recently went to Korea to view Samsung’s latest innovations for 2023 and see how their electronics fit within the South African context. Samsung has long established themselves as a purpose driven company. Additionally, they create innovations…


Hirsch’s Black Friday 2022

Want to know how to find the Hirsch’s Black Friday deals? 1. Our Black Friday Month Sale will be unlocked on 1st November 2022. Thereafter, deals will be added every Monday (7th; 14th; 21st). All deals will be available until 25th November…


Top tips to get you through Black Friday 2022

Top tips to get you through Black Friday 2022 We have the ultimate top tips to get you through Black Friday 2022. This buyers guide will help you navigate effortlessly through Black Friday therefore saving you time and money.…